Steve and Wendy are excited to share their 25 years of Growing All Natural Produce. Their class will consist of 5 parts with a snack break,
healthy lunch and beverages.
Cost of the Class $80 per person , Current Spyglass CSA Members $70 per person
Spouses are welcome at no additional charge
Registration and Prepayment Required - cash, checks, cards or venmo
Contact Wendy: 208-991-7317 -asap limited seats available
See our Event Page for Registration Form
What will you receive and take away from this class?
Each paid registration will receive a copy of The Vegetable Gardener's Bible,
a Spyglass favorite. Field notebook, and a seed starter kit with a variety of seeds.
Discussions of: What will I grow? Agronomy (soil science), Entomology (good bugs, bad bugs), mapping your garden space, raised beds or conventional means, companion planting and beneficial pollinators. A section on record keeping and why, will wrap up the day.
